
Yesterday I did a session with Sound Shifting.  What is that?  Tryshe is trained in manipulating sounds / vibrations and came to work with "us"on connections.



Participated in the Open Studio Tour last weekend.  Went to my friend Nancy Evans' studio and Yvonne Prisble was also there. We showed our art.  We talked about encaustic painting and the process.  It was more fulfilling than I thought it would be.

Today,  saw the movie "BUCK".  http://buckthefilm.com/
The bond between people and horses and the bond between people and people. 

New Photo

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Google Reader

So excited whenever I have a few hours to sit down with my google reader.  I first added a couple of pretty routine things - Apartment Therapy, Decor8, etc. and I am up to about 50.  Sometimes I just "delete all" new items from the blogs that only catch my interest every once in a while.  Sometimes I start on one and can spend hours going from link to link finding new ideas, blogs, articles.  And now pinning!
I love Sunday mornings with my coffee and over 1000 new items to read.
I like just finding a new blog from a link on one of the ones I read.

Today Cannelle & Vanille http://cannelle-vanille.blogspot.com/

This is a new favorite - not only about gluten free food but lovely food styling and other photography.

Wonderful inspiration and maybe a little addiction.



Well, ok, almost the end of October.  I am SO inspired by the blogs I follow and especially by PINTEREST.  Yes I know the evils of Pinterest for us "fine artists".  I don't take another's art and post it as my own.  I don't try to change it or add a label to it that compromises it.  I just post it.  It is to me like ripping pages out of a magazine and pinning them to the wall of my studio (which I also do).

It is hard though because I understand "fine art" and creative license.  It is harder when you get to photography, or fashion or styling.  A painting or sculpture is a product.  What are pictures of a fabulous home that is for sale.  I wouldn't copy them or call them my own but is it stealing to post them on Pinterest?

So, moving on, I have a painting in New Mexico right now at the wonderful Encaustic Art Institute.   The show is coming down.  Upcoming events are open studio tour where I will be at my friend Nancy Evans' studio. 

This is the one in NM.  I entered three and this was my least favorite of the three.  Funny how it seems that often the works that I overlook seem to speak to someone else.  These were the other two in the series.



This is one of a 6 part series.  Landscapes.  These are encaustic, graphite, pigment and are all 8" x 48".  I sold one from a show in Tubac.  This one pictured is probably my second favorite after the one that sold.



My new blog.  I simply don't have the time and ability to get a website together.  A blog is so much easier.   And I have so much I want to share besides just static images of my paintings.  The detail above is from Veiled #2.  This is a 12" x 12" work which is currently on display at Hacienda del Sol Guest Ranch.  Our local group of encaustic artists (SAZWAX) has a show there now. 

I ALSO have two other paintings going into shows in the next month!! I am blessed to be able to create and show.  Selling would be even better.